A Study of Splanchnic Vein Thrombosis in Patients with Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (MASCOT)

The MASCOT study was a retrospective review of patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN), such as essential thrombocythaemia, polycythaemia vera and myelofibrosis who have also suffered a splanchnic vein thrombosis (SVT). These are blood clots in the portal, hepatic (Budd Chiari), splenic or mesenteric veins.

The study looked at the patient and disease characteristics, treatment types and outcomes in this relatively rare disorder.

HaemSTAR members were involved in case-finding and data collection.

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Dr Sarah Wharin (photo below), the HaemSTAR lead for MASCOT Registry writes: “The aim of MASCOT is to establish an MPN-SVT registry in order to gather data and inform practice on this infrequent, but clinically significant, complication of MPN.  We have completed the initial pilot audit phase with retrospective data collection regarding clinical presentation, medical and surgical interventions, recurrence rates and complications. There was involvement from 3 HaemSTAR regions covering 4 hospitals: The Royal Free, The Royal London, Leicester, Milton Keynes and Liverpool.”

“The HaemSTAR network has proved invaluable in cases where patients had been transferred from one region to another, as members of the network could liaise with each other to ‘fill the gaps’ in data, where they may otherwise have been excluded due to incomplete data. We collected data on a total of 34 patients, evaluated in 31 patients.”  

“The data has been submitted to the European Haematology Association and will be presented in poster form at the Annual Congress in June. The next stage is to construct a live registry for prospective data collection.”

The Future of MASCOT

Phase 2 of MASCOT launched in September 2019 with a live, web-based registry for MPN-SVT patients. The registry will be based at the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust and details available on how other centres can sign up to contribute to the registry.