“Flash-Mob” Audit 2018


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The "Flash-Mob" Audit 2018

Does Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIg) treatment for patients with immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) adhere to International Guidelines as set out by Neunert et al, Blood 2011?

The biggest ever mass participation audit in Haematology in the UK closed for data entry on 19th December 2018.

The project has been a major success with 134 users collecting data across 39 sites in the UK over a 12-week period. 975 patients with ITP have been included and all at an initial cost of £0!

Next steps: Data will be used to feedback to the DoH regarding recent recommendations for use of IVIg in ITP. Preliminary results will be presented at the British Society of Haematology ASM and Royal College of Physicians annual conference in 2019 and a full analysis will be published in a peer-reviewed journal. All contributors will be credited as co-authors.

Recruitment to the Flash-Mob

The project has demonstrated that the “Flash-Mob” audit model works. By harnessing the collective efforts of trainees across the country HaemSTAR, led by Pip Nicolson, have coordinated the accumulation of a huge amount of data over a very short time period. The model has fantastic potential for future projects and HaemSTAR plan to use it again in the coming years to answer important questions in non-malignant haematology. Figure 1 above illustrates recruitment seen across the breadth of the country, with excellent representation from both tertiary and secondary care centres.

Flash-Mob Infograph