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Cancer Associated VEnous thrombosis and Thrombocytopenia (CAVEaT):
A Multi-Centre Audit

CAVEaT aims to understand practice and the outcomes of patients with venous thrombosis in the setting of haematological malignancy and thrombocytopenia (platelet count <50x10e9/L) secondary to either their malignancy or its treatment.

The project was recruited nationally between 2019 and 2021. It closed in May 2021 and data analysis is now underway.


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There is a well-known association between malignancy and increased venous thrombosis rates. It is not uncommon that patients with haematological malignancies and thrombocytopenia develop venous thrombosis. Yet there is significant variation in the use of anti-coagulants and platelet transfusions including doses and duration. It is uncertain to what extent current guidance informs the management of these patients.

As a first step towards a better understanding of the clinical problem and ways in which practice might be improved, we have developed a pragmatic tool for standardised data collection, working with consultants in the NIHR Haematology specialty group.

Update June 2020

The audit is now open across 21 sites in the UK and total of 63 patients have been reported so far. Interim results of the first 31 patients were presented as an online abstract as part of BSH 2020 and this can be viewed below.

Update October 2020

The audit remains open, and over 80 patients have now been reported.